What's cooking?
A re-arrangement | Eine Um-Ordnung (Can I work like this?)
With Tonjaschja Adler, Julieta Aranda, Josefina Leon Ausejo, Sofia Bempeza, Marina Belobrovaja, Anne Brand Galvez, Daniela Brugger, Bettina Carl, Deldar Felemez, Jeanne van Heeswijk, Seda Hepsev, Irene Maag, Raphael Perret, Marion Ritzmann, Lisa Schiess, Annette Sense, Ana Vujić
Curated by Daniela Petrini & Tanja Trampe
WHAT’S COOKING? is a format conceived as a series and explores current conditions for artistic work. The 50-hour non-stop happening gathers artistic, activist and theoretical positions to simultaneously and collaboratively produce, present, discuss and reflect, accompanied by individual contributions - the SIDE DISHES.
WHAT’S COOKING? sets beginnings and keeps the doors open for spontaneous guests for fifty hours to participate in the rearrangements. The central “source of contagion” is the cooking area, which allows every guest to also be a host: Cooking, eating, mingling, preserving! In the Klingental exhibition space, current questions about artistic engagement in political and social contexts come under the burning glass, exacerbated by the experience of the pandemic.
Pencil over paper. 30 x 21x29.7cm. 2021

